Rako Wireless Lighting RK-HUB - Ethernet IOT Interface - Rako Lighting Controls | eu online shop

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Rako Wireless Lighting RK-HUB - Ethernet IOT Interface

Rako Wireless Lighting RK-HUB - Ethernet IOT Interface for use with all Wireless Lighting Controlled Light Dimmers

Rako Wireless Lighting RK-HUB - Ethernet Interface

List Price£296.00
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Rako Wireless Lighting RK-HUB - Ethernet IOT Interface Features
Allows the Rako system to be integrated with 3rd party cloud services via a ‘my.rakocontrols.com’ account including Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple Homekit and Sonos integration.
One Rako RK-HUB - Ethernet Interface is required for a whole property - Connects via single Cat-5 cable to a WiFi Ethernet Router
Requires configuration with RASOFT Pro programming software which is included in package, and available to download from RAKO support web site for MS Windows and Apple OSX
Network interface for Rako wireless systems with built in cloud services interface, time and advanced programming features.

Rako Wireless Lighting RK-HUB - Ethernet IOT Interface - Rako Lighting Controls | eu online shop